27 May 2011

Yellow tent relocates to remote Hamer village

We decided to stay in Gadi’s village so stopped there on the way to put up my tent before going to Turmi town. Gadi took me to a posh lodge that evening which was such a surprise after everywhere else and we had COLD beers and really nice food that wasn’t injera. Did not expect that. Was a nice evening. We got back to his village where his mates were waiting, sleeping on goatskin outside the tent apparently guarding it, and they chatted while I didn’t understand anything. We brought back some cold beers from town so we all shared them. Gadi’s village is in a lovely location. It is entirely traditional and I didn’t really expect that to be honest. His mates and family are in no way modernised like him, guys wearing blue blanket/sarong round their privates and nothing else but jewellery, and his granny has the red hair and goatskin clothes.   

I woke up to the sound of cowbells and grandma lifting up my tent door to peer in and see what the situation was. I joined her in her hut for some of that watery weak husk coffee and some sandy bread-like thing she was overly keen for me to eat. Which I of course tried to force down as much as I could to be polite - but urrrghhhh! We sat in her house attempting to communicate but even the sign language wasn’t too productive. But amusing anyway. Gadi had disappeared somewhere to visit a friend and when he came back we hit the bush on the bike and ventured back to Dimeka to return it.

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